VNSNY is now VNS Health!

We want to make it easier for people to understand that our organization has different parts, all focused on health. That’s why we are bringing all those services together under one name: VNS Health. Learn more about all the services offered by VNS Health.
For Our Members
While the name of your plan is now SelectHealth from VNS Health, changing all of our materials is a big task. While we make the changes, you may see things from us with our old name as well. It’s all coming from SelectHealth, the same plan that you know.
Yes, continue to use your ID card and get care the same way you always have. You’ll receive a new ID card with the SelectHealth from VNS Health name on it in the coming months.
Yes, you can still use the same doctors, hospitals, and other providers in our network.
No! Only our name is changing. Your doctor will follow the same process to make sure your procedure will be covered by your plan.
Yes! The same great people are a part of your care team, working to keep you healthy. They are here to answer your questions and help you get the care you need.
For Our Network Providers
No. While we are known by a new name in the market, our legal name is staying the same. For that reason, new agreements won’t be needed.
Yes, starting in fall 2022 we will use “” for emails. Please note that any email sent to our “” email addresses will be redirected to our new email address – so no email will be lost. Our health plan website URL will change in October to Because we know many people have bookmarked pages and forms on our current website, the most used pages will route automatically to the new website pages and forms. You’ll then be able to update your bookmarks, so they go directly to our new website.
Yes. We will post samples of the new ID cards in the healthcare professionals section of our website and share them in our electronic provider newsletter. If you don’t receive the provider newsletter you can sign up here.
You can contact Provider Services at 1-866-783-0222 Monday – Friday 9 am. – 5 pm. with any questions.