About SelectHealth Providers
Close-up of provider using tablet.

Our SelectHealth
Provider Network Is More
Than You Expect

With SelectHealth, your primary care
provider is an HIV specialist.

Use the online search tool to find a provider near you.

All primary care
physicians in our
network must
qualify as

At SelectHealth from VNS Health, experienced healthcare professionals guide all care. All primary care physicians in our network who care for people living with HIV are HIV/AIDS specialists.

If you enroll in SelectHealth, members receive all their care from our network of primary care physicians and other providers, except in certain limited circumstances.


Use the online provider search tool.

Find a provider near you.

With SelectHealth, you have access to a
large provider network.

  • Physicians

  • Dental care providers

  • Behavioral health providers

  • Substance use treatment providers

  • Community Health Centers

  • Hospitals, including Designated AIDS Centers (DACs)

  • Health Homes
    (A group of health care and service providers working together to get you the care and services you need to stay healthy.)

  • Home health agencies

  • Community-based organizations

  • Laboratories

  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME) vendors
    (DME is equipment, such as wheelchairs and walkers, that helps people complete their daily activities of living.)

  • And more

Smiling woman with her arms up and closed eyes against an orange background.

Not a SelectHealth member yet?

Check your eligibility, here.

Laughing woman in front of red-orange background.

The SelectHealth coverage areas are: Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Nassau and Westchester counties.

Laughing woman in front of red-orange background.

Not yet a SelectHealth member?

Start here.