Service Authorization Requests are requests made by a member, or a provider on the member’s behalf to the plan to provide a service, including a request for a referral or for a non-covered service.
A member or provider can request Prior Authorization for a new service, whether for a new authorization period or within an existing authorization period, or a request to change a service as determined in the plan of care for a new authorization period.
Concurrent Review Request is a Service Authorization request by a member, or a provider on the member’s behalf to continue or request more of a service the health plan is currently authorizing.
Standard Prior Authorization Request will be decided within 3 business days of receipt of all necessary information, but no more than 14 days of receipt of request for services.
Expedited Prior Authorization Request will be decided within 72 hours from receipt of request for services.
Requests for home health care services following an inpatient admission, Monday through Thursday excluding holidays 1 business day after all information is received, but no more than 72 hours; if the next day is a Friday or a holiday within 72 hours of receipt.
Standard Concurrent Review Request will be decided within 1 business days of receipt of all necessary information, but no more than 14 days of receipt of request for services.
Expedited Concurrent Review Request will be decided within 1 business day after all information is received but no more than 72 hours from receipt of the request.
Timeframes for Service Authorizations determinations may be extended for up to 14 calendar days if the member, the member’s designee, or the member’s provider requests an extension orally or in writing; or if the plan can demonstrate a need for additional information and how the extension is in the member’s interest.
Timeframes for Reducing, Suspending, or Terminating Existing Services
When the plan intends to a previously authorized service within an authorization period, it must provide the member with a written notice at least 10 days prior to the intended Action, except when the period of advance notice is shortened to 5 days in cases of confirmed member fraud.